Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sue Scheff: Grumble Bluff - Tweens, Teens and Bullying

I am excited to read this new book. The Synposis sounds like what many adolescents struggle with today. The more parents are aware of bullying and how it effects tweens, the more we can help our children.

Katherine Anne Kirby has a problem. In fact, she has more than one! She doesn't seem to connect with her family. She is picked on and bullied every day at school. And if that's not enough, Kathy is fat. All in all, Kathy is miserable, but there is one place in the world where she feels peace and freedom and contentment. Grumble Bluff, a deep forested ravine with a rushing stream flowing through, is Kathy's private sanctuary-- a place that she has never shared with anyone.
Then comes the day when Kathy feels compelled to intercede for a girl named Greta, who is being picked on by the same kids who have made her own life a living nightmare, and she rescues Greta from her tormentors. From that day on the girls are inseparable, and Kathy realizes something-- that she hasn't had it so bad, all along. For her best friend is coping with a problem much bigger than anything Kathy has ever had to confront. Greta's wonderful father is dying.

In the serenity of Grumble Bluff, the girls discover the power of their friendship; how to triumph over the tragedies of life, and how to laugh again.
Type the title in the Amazon Box and order today!

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