Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sue Scheff: Crash Proof Your Kids!

By Timothy C. Smith

What an incredible book I wish I had when my kids were approaching their new freedom; driving a car.

This is not only a book parents must read, but more importantly, the teens! Open communication with our teens is critical at this point of teen-hood.

What parents need to understand is teaching our kids to drive a serious job that we need to take the time (many, many hours we absolutely need to put aside for this) to educate your teen before they get behind the wheel. The education takes place "before" they get into the car to drive.

Crash Proof Your Kids takes you step by step in teaching your teen to drive, but what is more interesting is all the information is substantiated with statistics, examples, educational charts, resources (giving reasons why this is so critical to understand) and so much more. Like kids and teens today, we need to "show" them "why" things are important for them to know. The Crash Proof Contract includes both the parent and the teen! Together, you can help Crash Proof Your Kids.

From learning about the importance of defensive driving, to how to drive in a variety of weather factors, to the equipment in your car (and much more) this book doesn't miss a beat!

Take the time to be an educated parent, which is a prepared parent - which can lead to a safer teen!

Order today at Amazon and learn more at

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