Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sue Scheff: April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

About the Campaign

The April 2010 Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaign focuses on preventing sexual violence on higher education campuses. College students experience disproportionately high rates of sexual violence – 1 in 5 college women will be a victim of sexual assault by the time she graduates. In addition to serving the many survivors on campus, there exists an opportunity for prevention and social change that will have a lasting effect on students throughout their lives. This year’s SAAM brings together resources and information across a variety of campus-related topics, with an emphasis on incorporating primary prevention efforts into the work. The campaign is built around the Spectrum of Prevention framework, developed by Larry Cohen of the Prevention Institute, that places public health problems, including sexual violence, within a larger context, beyond individual behaviors, to highlight the community and societal factors that influence the issue.

The document entitled “Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the Spectrum of Prevention is the centerpiece of the 2010 campaign and includes information on how to use the Spectrum strategically in planning SAAM and prevention efforts on campus. We strongly encourage you to read through this document first. However, below you will also find level-specific information if you prefer to review the information that way. We have arranged all other new resources for 2010 according to level of the Spectrum, below.

If you would like a CD with all of the 2010 resources, or have additional questions, please contact the NSVRC at 1-877-739-3895, or

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