Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sue Scheff: Parent's Operational Manual

Sending Your Child to College
By Marie Carr
Your Child Will Be Heading Off to College! Are You Ready?
March is typically when high school seniors breathlessly wait for college acceptance letters to arrive. Suddenly it becomes very real to parents that their child will be leaving soon to start the next chapter of his or her life. There is a lot the student needs to do to prepare for that next step, and usually the college will send incoming students a thick package of useful information. But there is also a lot that parents need to do and know before they wave goodbye at the airport or dorm.
Thankfully Marie Carr, one mom who kept careful track of everything she learned the hard way as her three daughters went off to college, has assembled lots of important and smart tips in a helpful handbook that all parents of a college-bound student will want to have - both for the getting ready phase and for quick reference later. Prepared Parent's Operational Manual: Sending Your Child to College covers everything from student banking and dorm life to health insurance, class schedules and support services.
There are forms, checklists and helpful tips, including not only what students can take to school but also what they should leave behind. Prepared Parent's Operational Manual: Sending Your Child to College will help parents deal with the nitty-gritty details of sending their child off to college.
Visit Amazon to order and learn more!

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